Special Agent Mittens showed his ambivalence toward his Mossad appointment by peeing two steps from the operating table, giving his antenna such a switch that the feedback in the control room had every headset yanked off in pain.
In addition to that tail transmitter, Mittens had cochlear and retinal implants that relayed to handlers as the inconspicuous cat might amble through terrorist strongholds. After years of trial and error with zooform sleeper agents since the so-called ham-radio (considered bad taste if not outright treif), Mittens was top-of-the-line.

In the operations van, they high-five and whisper Mazel Tov as Mittens is dropped across from the City Park where Tehran’s senior nuclear technicians are known to feed the peacocks. But celebration turns once again to thrown headsets as after two steps, a speeding ambulance reduces Mittens’ espionage career to a red veneer on the pavement at the corner of Kayyam and Davar.
