Nosferatu, Please

That little black dude broke into our house again last night. Peering at us in bed with his open left eye, a sore-riddled husk wrapped in a moldy shroud. 

Oh, the stench! You know the stink those things have, right? Shit and brimstone. And they carry disease.  The Plague, “capital P,” in fact. And they’re rapey as fuck. “Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!” you know?

Well, we all made it okay aside from the walls being coated in feces and semen, the bed sheets are chewed and the headboard splattered with gore.

Anyway, I am not one to throw the n-word around lightly, but that n has ruined the neighborhood. 

Der Nachttöter. 

The night killer. Or call it what you will— Nachzehrer, Neuntöter. By any name, this one is just my dead neighbor Niklaus Nachtfalter, drowned in Lake Lanier last month and now making a mockery of the HOA covenants.

