Canned Meat

Captain Adrian Muck wipes off the frost and examines both tins. The first has a simple paper label featuring little more than a wide-grinning pig. Turning over the can other his other hand, he finds a similarly smiling chicken. However, after struggling with his trench knife to open them, he discovers both to contain moderate amounts of scales and fish bones, as well as an occasional flake of animal fur.

It’s no matter now, he thinks and tosses both cans out into no-man’s land. Then, on second thought, he also tosses the rest of the cans in his pack over the side as well. After each, he ducks and waits for the short burst of gunfire and the pinging sounds as struck cans dance into the air.

Sharpshooters. Muck grins a grin as if to beat the happy tinned farm animals. What a fine day to go over the top.
